Buildings age, but they do not improve over the years. According to industry estimates, more than half of residential properties are more than 40 years old, do not comply with the new guidelines of the Technical Building Code and, much less, can contribute to achieving the energy reduction targets set by the European Union.

In fact, according to data handled by the sector, more than eight out of 10 buildings in Spain are inefficient and have energy ratings – on a scale of A to G – below D, while the EU seeks to reduce the use of primary energy in the building stock by 16% by 2030 and between 20% and 22% by 2035.

European funds, aid from the Autonomous Communities and banks

And what is the solution? Of course, its rehabilitation. To achieve these minimums, a large part of the buildings in Spain should be rehabilitated in the coming years. Aware of the difficulties, the EU points out the importance of public aid such as those of the European Next Generation funds, which can cover between 40 and 80% depending on the energy savings achieved, or those of regional plans such as Rehabilita Madrid, which can also achieve up to 80% of the investment in aid.In addition, as subsidies are often received months after the completion of the works, there is also the possibility of going to a financial institution that advances the previous financing with lines of loans associated with the residential rehabilitation that allow the project to move forward.It is a ‘turnkey’ process in which the entity’s professionals reach the communities of owners through companies specialized in this type of project, with a complete offer that includes the project to be carried out, the execution of the work, the management of public aid and private financing. In this way, the community of owners only has to be in charge of making the decision.Taking all this into account, we break down the most common reforms that can be undertaken in homeowners’ associations to, in addition to improving the energy efficiency of the building, improve its aesthetics, revalue the properties, comply with European regulations and be able to subscribe at the same time to public aid lines and to prior financing from financial institutions.

The renovation

To put an end to the excessive cold of buildings in winter and the heat in summer, the first and most obvious of all is exterior thermal insulation. By adding insulation to the façades, unnecessary energy losses are minimised, thus reducing their heating or cooling demand and also their energy rating. In addition, ETIS systems also allow the exterior aesthetics to be renewed and the value of the property to be increased.And if there are drafts? The replacement of windows and joinery elements optimizes thermal insulation. This measure also reduces the need for heating and cooling and contributes to a more comfortable home and more efficient buildings.Goodbye to the old boilers too. The renovation or replacement of heating, cooling or lighting systems, with the aim of reducing energy consumption, are also subsidized, as is the installation of efficient air conditioning systems such as aerothermal energy.Similarly, if you are looking for savings on the electricity bill and the autonomy of households, the installation of photovoltaic panels for self-consumption in the building is also one of the options contemplated by public aid to help reduce the energy demand of homes.Finally, if people with reduced mobility live in the building and the issue of accessibility is a concern, another possible reform involves the installation of lifts, ramps or adaptation of common spaces with the elimination of obstacles such as steps, edges or unevenness.

It is important and fundamental that the building is kept in good condition because real estate is nothing more and nothing less than part of a building and is part of our home.
