The European Energy Efficiency Directive establishes new criteria in this matter for homes that want to be sold or rented.

Homeowners who are thinking about selling or renting should be very attentive to the new European regulations, which establish a new requirement regarding energy efficiency. Compliance with it will be essential both to be able to sign a deed of sale and to be able to make a rental contract.

Until now, it was enough to have said certificate in force to be able to do so. This document rates the condition of the home based on energy consumption and the level of carbon dioxide emissions. To do this, it assigns a letter, from A, to G, establishing it based on the state in which it is located.

This new requirement to be able to sell or rent a home will begin to be required in 2030, and to do so, many homes will have to be renovated. And it will no longer be enough to have the aforementioned CEE, but it will be necessary to have a specific letter assigned to it.

Starting in 2030, homes must have at least a label with an E rating and from this date it will continue to be tightened, until a D rating is required in 2033.

If the new requirement is not met, the home must be renovated. A study by Idealista indicates that 51.2% of homes in Spain are 40 years old or older, which implies that the housing stock is aging and there will be many properties that do not achieve the necessary qualification to be sold or rented. In order to cover this expense, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda has a series of aid available for their rehabilitation.

These aid for rehabilitation do not come in the form of a financial contribution, but are a series of deductions that vary depending on the energy savings achieved, and in the cases of people in a situation of economic vulnerability they can reach 100%.

In the rest of the cases, the deductions that can be obtained are the following:

20% with a maximum of 5,000 euros if the heating demand is reduced by 7%.
40% with a maximum of 7,500 euros if consumption is reduced by 30% or energy efficiency A or B is obtained.
In the case of neighboring communities, the deduction can be up to 60% with a maximum of 15,000 euros. To request them you will have to go to the Rehabilitation Office of each autonomous community and start the procedures there.

In addition to improving energy efficiency, all types of renovations can considerably increase the value of your property, increasing buyer confidence when choosing a home.
