Sell your apartment and continue living
in it.
More and more people over 65 years of age are considering using their home as extra income given the low confidence in the pension system and the increase in the cost of living.
¿How does it work?
Pension Plan
The Bare Properties are precisely that. They allow you to complement the pension plan, enjoy a better present or even be able to manage an inheritance in life.

Have you heard of this new way to earn an extra income?
The Bare Property consists of the sale of your property but without renouncing the enjoyment, or right of usufruct. In other words, whoever buys the home will have the ownership of the property but you will continue to live in it for an agreed time or until you can no longer use it.
Income for life
In return, you will receive a lump sum plus a monthly income until the usufruct condition ends.
This type of Bare Property operation has very interesting and attractive advantages, both for the property owner and the investor.
Contact us to find out more!

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